Magic Garden Planner Pad | Fairy Garden Theme | Art & Soul
Magic Garden Planner Pad | Fairy Garden Theme | Art & Soul
Magic Garden Planner Pad | Fairy Garden Theme | Art & Soul
Magic Garden Planner Pad | Fairy Garden Theme | Art & Soul
Magic Garden Planner Pad | Fairy Garden Theme | Art & Soul
Magic Garden Planner Pad
Magic Garden Planner Pad

Magic Garden Planner Pad


Plan and reflect on your day with this fairy garden themed planner pad. The simple design includes space for a to do list, tasks for tomorrow, mood, gratitude and extra space for any notes or doodles! The perfect desk companion to keep you organised but the perfect size to also throw in your bag. 


Size Approx 148mm x 148mm (5.8 inches)

This notepad comes with 50 sheets of 80gsm recycled paper, glued on top in size A5 Square with a grey chipboard backing for added stability. Beware that biro pens work better than gel pens on this paper.
