Stellar Beadwork

Stellar Beadwork

Stellar Beadwork was born out of a love for beading and an early retirement. Tiny Delica or Toho beads are individually stitched to achieve a finished product. Each item has been handmade with care and finished to a high standard. By using different coloured beads, each product is unique, even when it takes the same basic form. I am currently developing new designs and strive to bring something fresh and appealing to my beadwork, and ultimately the client. 

I am a member of the Bead Workers Guild, a lovely supportive community, who exchange ideas, designs and patterns. They work tirelessly to spread the enthusiasm for beading that all their members share, by holding events, exhibitions and ‘Meet, Mingle & Make’ days in person and online. 

If you are interested in learning how to bead, or would like to commission a bespoke star, I welcome you to contact me.  

It is so satisfying turning small pieces of coloured glass into something beautiful. 

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